Cuatro claves para crear un patio vivo en la escuela. Article in The Conversation
An article by Isabel Ruiz-Mallen, Filka Sekulova and Monica Ubalde has been published in the Conversation. It presents the key aspects to take into consideration for the transformation of schoolyards
Cuatro claves para crear un patio vivo en la escuela. Article in The Conversation Leer más »
A multi-indicator distributive justice approach to assess school-related green infrastructure benefits in Brussels
Our analysis on the spatial distribution of schools’ outdoor environmental quality using indicators related to green infrastructure elements, regulating ecosystem services, environmental hazards, and socio-economic background for nearly all primary
Greening at school? Athénée Royal 2 shows that it’s possible
VUB investigates COOLSCHOOLS example From better cognitive development to fewer health problems: time spent in nature is pure gain for children. Athénée Royal 2 is one of the 20 Brussels
Greening at school? Athénée Royal 2 shows that it’s possible Leer más »
Nature-based climate shelters in Schools: Empowering Teachers for Sustainable Education” MOOC (2024) Report
This publication corresponds to Deliverable D6.2 “MOOC Report»/“Report on the Massive-open online course (MOOC) on using climate shelters interventions in schools for educational purposes” by the COOLSCHOOLS project (, funded
Article in The Conversation «Por qué deberíamos transformar los patios escolares en ‘patios vivos’»
Filka Sekulova and Isabel Ruiz Mallen have published an article in !The Conversation! about the benefits of nature-based schoolyard transformations. To read the complete article (in Spanish) go here:
Realizing potentials of nature-based climate shelters in school environments for urban transformation When:January 23 rd – 24 th 2025Where:Brussels Environment, Tour & Taxis,Avenue du Port 86C / 3000 1000 REGISTRATION:
For the eighth consecutive year, El Globus Vermell is organising the «Renaturalization of Educational Spaces» conference, along with its parallel activities. Over the years, this event has become a hub
PAPER PUBLISHED «Nature-based school environments for all children? comparing exposure to school-related green and blue infrastructure in four European cities»
Elsa Gallez, Corina Patricia Fraile Mujica, Sylvie Gadeyne, Frank Canters, Francesc Baró. Nature-based school environments for all children? comparing exposure to school-related green and blue infrastructure in four European cities.
Coolschools Conference in Rotterdam recap
On June 13 till 14 the City of Rotterdam hosted a very inspiring and instructive conference about nature-based schoolyards as part of the Coolschools project. Besides the coolschools partners professionals
Coolschools Conference in Rotterdam recap Leer más »