The Coolschools project
What is the Coolschools project?
COOLSCHOOLS (March 2022-February 2025) is a transdisciplinary research project examining the potential of «nature-based solutions» to help schools adapt to climate change. These solutions, also called “nature-based climate shelters”, include green school grounds and public green and blue spaces.
What is the main aim of the project?
COOLSCHOOLS’ practices and results aim to generate opportunities for city uptake of the “nature-based climate shelters” approach by other schools, neighbourhoods, and cities. We produce and share new evidence, tools and insights about important abilities necessary to foster nature-based and inclusive transformation among local schools, urban planners, and the general public.
What is the role of Brussels in the project?
COOLSCHOOLS draws on the experience of four pioneering European projects to implement nature-based solutions in the school environments of Brussels, Barcelona, Rotterdam and Paris.
The Brussels-Capital Region is the project’s main case study (mainly through the Ose-le-Vert and Opération-Recréation school greening programs). All the project partners are doing research in the Belgian capital, in particular the four Belgian partners: the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), the University of Antwerp, the University of Hasselt, and Brussels Environment.
Children and nature: Your voice counts! (Survey)
The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Brussels Environment are launching a survey to better understand the use (and non-use) of urban green spaces by children after school.
This survey is aimed at parents (or guardians) of one child or more enrolled in a primary or fundamental school in the Brussels-Capital Region.
By completing the survey, you can enter a contest to win FREE tickets to the Museum of Natural Sciences.
The survey takes around 10 minutes and can be completed on a computer or by telephone.
Contact person for the surveys: Elsa Gallez (